golden sands

English/मराठी लेखन, अमेरिकेतील जीवन, कविता, प्रवासवर्णन, स्फुट.

Location: New Jersey, United States

I write for myself.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

golden sands...

What made me think about a blog? I think it was the idea that in the form of different people that you come across, life actually presents you with all its varied elements. If one were to think of life as a painting, I think the painting would be filled with just millions and millions of different colours, nuances of shades and hues, so different in themselves, yet so similar in a way.
Literature is full of 'people', I would say, rather than 'characters' because some characters are more real than the people we meet! On the other hand, some people are so queer that looking at them makes me think,for example, "This girl should have been the heroine of a novel!"
I am going to write about such people, and other people, all those who have filled the moments in my life with their love or hate, joy or sorrows, grandeur or triviality, wonder or practicality- the list goes on and on. These moments and memories are the golden sands of my life. Looking at every grain is going to be an endless task, nevertheless, I will try to bind them into a "Blumenkranz" : a wreath of flowers, signifying good luck, and a welcome to all those who are yet to come into my world.
This is only an attempt at exercizing my pen, here, the keyboard, polishing my creative abilities (which, as some people have assured me, are definately present within me :-) ) That of course is the basic inspiration in this endeavour. I do not want to write good and bad things about people, just describe them as I feel them through our shared moments: so no offence, please please !!!
That is of course, in case someone in the first place visits this blog, in the second place, reads through, and in the third place, finds obnoxious comments in it !!! There would be no writers in this world who do not make sweeping assumptions, and I am no exception. Anyway. Enough of an introduction, let's get into it straightaway.


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